Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brown Recluse Spider Bite Treatment

Recently, I was attacked by a Brown Recluse Spider. My legs received most
all of the bites, but those on my foot disabled me for nearly a
month. Now I know a treatment that would have stopped that entire
process from happening.

I got more than 15 bites from this spider which in my worst moments,
caused my diaphragm to seize up to the point I was struggling to
breath. Moments before I dialed 911, the problem began to ease up a
little. I did not call.

At the time, I had read how doctors treat such bites and that seemed
worse than the effect of the spider's venom.

I decided to go it alone and not see an MD. In retrospect, I should
have gone, but refused to allow the MD to cut out the bite wounds.
The massive swelling cost me some serious discomfort, and bordered on
causing permanent leg damage.

At first, I was using MSG, and sodium bicarbonate to draw out the
extremely toxic Brown Recluse venom. This spider's venom is more
deadly than that of a rattle snake.

Nothing was really working, and the bites on my foot were expanding,
causing incredible leg swelling, and due to so many bites, I felt sick
for weeks. The feeling is like that of the common flu. You ache all
over, want to vomit, have no desire to eat, and you want to sleep

The pain from these bites is very bad. The wound hurts night and day
as if someone beat the area with a hammer, or shot you on the same
spot with a paintball gun about until the skin was blasted away, and
the area was severely bruised and bleeding.

Yes, that's how bad these bites can be. A child, or a sick person
would probably have died from the number of bites I received all at
one time, but from all of this suffering, I discovered a treatment
that is nearly a cure, and this treatment is far better than going to
the MD and having him cut and remove skin and muscle from your body.

Before I tell you the near cure, let me tell you what happens without

Most of my bites were treated with the things I mentioned above and
time, but time allows the enzymes in the venom to dissolve away your
skin and literally produce a huge wound area that is highly inflamed,
swollen to the point of being damaged, and ultra painful.

I had 3 of the 15 bites on the top of one foot.. I nearly could not
walk for 3 weeks, and I am in no way teasing. This is very serious
stuff. Untreated, your kidneys could fail if you have many bites as I
did. But, I have a solution like no other I've read about, and here
it is:

1. If you suspect you've been attacked by a Brown Recluse, the site
will begin to bother you like an ant bite, but in 24 hours it will
look like you were shot. Wash the area well with soap and water. DO
NOT WAIT! Go immediately to a store and purchase the commonly known
item called Triple Antibiotic Ointment WITH PAIN RELIEVER. The Pain
Reliever part is important!

2. In order for this to work, you MUST treat the bite a very minimum
of 3 times per day, but up to 5 times per day by using EACH TIME about
the amount of Triple Antibiotic Ointment equal to the amount of tooth
paste you apply on your toothbrush, and you need to rub it so that it
begins to be absorbed into your skin on the wound and for about an
inch around it. Leave a layer on top of the wound applied after you
rubbed in the first amount. I found this to really help speed up the
recover process.

Here is what will happen: The bite will likely turn very red, but
tissue damage does not occur if you follow this process. If I had
known this at first, I would not have been disabled for 3 weeks, nor
would I have suffered the intense pain that aspirin couldn't reduce.

With this treatment, the affected site did not swell, nor did I
experience much pain, so this simple method really really made a huge
difference and caused the bite wound to heal in a matter of days with
no tissue damage vs. weeks and severe tissue damage like I developed
on my foot that has taken more than a month now to recover 75%.

Lastly, do not stop the treatment until the wound is gone, and I mean
totally gone. If you do, it comes back fast and it will begin to eat
away your body as the venom is designed to do, but if you continue the
treatment, in only a matter of days, you will see the wound recover
very well. Just keep applying the creme until there is no redness,
and no obvious bite mark. That will take a number of days, probably
close to a week, or two.

WARNING: All of the above is my opinion and is not meant to replace
the advice of your doctor. This was my experience. I am a very
healthy person who could handle the systemic effects of the venom
aside from the wound the spider makes. I was VERY ill from the
venom. If I had been sick with some other condition, I do not know
that I would have survived. When in doubt, see your MD immediately.
My friends and family who saw the bite wounds before I discovered the
Triple Antibiotic Ointment treatment were so upset at how terrible the
wounds were and how much swelling occurred, they almost forced me to
go to the ER. Once I discovered the TAO creme treatment, the other
wounds were much less of a problem, and at that point, no one was very
concerned by what they saw on my legs.

I am writing this hopping that it will help you in the event you've
suffered a bite from a Brown Recluse, and you caught it early. Late
stage treatment seems to go much slower, so treat right away.

Good Luck!

By the way, I used HEB brand (a grocery store in Texas) Triple
Antibiotic Ointment made by Pfizer. It has a pain reliever in it that
works like magic, but the med really attacks the venom in some way,
and thats what saved me in the end.